


















Question: If you are in the presence of someone who is dying, what would you say to him, and how would you guide him?


Maharishi: Depending upon the man who is dying. If a man is dying, and if I can have a word with him, I would just tell him 'Feel the presence of God around you'. Just the word of 'God around you' -- let him have this feeling of God, just God. God is a word which he has heard during his lifetime, whether he believed it or not. But that is a word something holy, something high, something elevating. And this is the word of God that I’ll whisper on the ears of a dying man. And that will elevate his consciousness to some level or the other.


And that is all our concern -- elevate the level of consciousness, something. And the word of God -- I can’t think of anything else other than whispering the word of God in his ears, giving him a lift. Whatever lift towards the end he could get.


Question: What if one of us is dying and not yet having reached Cosmic Consciousness, should we begin to meditate as we are dying?


Maharishi: That’s right. Mantra and meditation, and immediately the mantra will take us -- because it is our habit -- it will take us deep down there. And if we leave the body established in that field near about the celestial, that is the field we are going to. That is the field we are going to.





【訳注】「あなたの周りの神(God around you)」と言われてはいますが、神は私たちの周辺だけに存在するということではありません。神は相対的な領域に遍く存在しており、私たち自身の内にも神は存在します。



Jai Guru Dev



© Chihiro Kobayakawa 2021


【ホームページ】 【目次】 【前の言葉】





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